Cat Care

Welcome to my cat care blog. Here you will learn about cat care and other cat related things.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Cat Care

Please leave any cat care questions, tips or solutions here.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

What Type of Cat Litter Box Should I Use?

Cat Care
There are many different types of cat litter boxes on the market today. The problem can be
sometimes it can be difficult to tell which kind of litter box that you need for your cat or kitten. Hopefully this article will help you determine which litter box is right for you and your cat. The first thing you should know about cat litter boxes are that they are your cats domain. Cats like their areas they frequent clean and neat. This is why generally cats will not sleep on an unmade bed but when its made and neat they will curl up and sleep. Likewise if a cats litter box is messy they my be reluctant to use it or even worse not use it at all. So make sure whatever style of litter box you choose for your pet meets the following two factors.

Make sure the litter box is large enough for your cat and that they do not looked cramped up
when trying to use it. Your cat should be able to walk easily in the box with its hind end hanging out. The other factor to always keep in mind is to clean the box frequently. The litter box should be scooped out every couple of days and should be completely changed with new litter every week and a half to two weeks. Decide which styles of litter box is right for you and you cat. If your cat is a small kitten a small litter pan will do just fine. However if your cat is large you may need a jumbo litter box. There are also automatic cleaning litter boxes and these are perfect for people on the go frequently.
Automated litter boxes make cleaning simple as the only work you ever have to do is dumping the tray and changing the litter from time to time. Other nice options are enclosed cat litter boxes. Enclosed cat litter boxes features a cover over the box the gives your cat some privacy it also has a filter in the top to filter out smells and odors. Cats like privacy as much as we do and I know for myself I like to use the bathroom solo and so does your cat. You might also consider buying a regular cat box and also buying a privacy tent or decorative fencing to add more privacy to your cats litter box area as this adds to the solitude of your cats bathroom experience. The less traffic the area of your house receives where you place the cats litter box the better. Cats are picky creatures and are picky with their litter boxes. Make sure that your cat gets exactly what he or she needs for its litter box experience. The worst thing to have to deal with is a cat peeing in the corner of the house or in the potted plants. Don't let this
unfortunate event happen to you. I am sure your life revolves around much more than scrubbing cat pee from the corner of the room.
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Cat Care

Monday, December 24, 2007

Cat Scratching Your Furniture?

Cat Care

If you are like the majority of cat owners in the world, I'm sure you would love to find an alternate scratching source for your beloved pet. Preferably something besides the sofa or your favorite easy chair!

So Now What do I do? "Scratching" is not only your cats way of sharpening its claws, it also exercises the muscles and keeps your cat in shape. "Scratching" also tends to ease your kitties stress. It is a very necessary trait or habit, and also an unbreakable one, and one that will remain in his daily routine.

Providing your kitty with an alternative scratching source is the first step! The simplest and most widely used is an actual "scratching post". They are reasonably priced, take up very little space, and come in a varity of styles and colors. This is where most cat owners make a big mistake! Purchasing the right kind of "scratch post" is vital to the process of keeping your cat from ruining your furniture!

Some "scratch posts" are covered with a cloth material. These types are very similiar to your furniture in your cats mind, and will do little to stop his furniture scratching. Some cat owners prefer the "real wood" scratch post, because it is most likely what they would be scratching if they were outside all the time. The downside of that option is the continuous clean-up of the wood that is deposited by the scratching.

Cat Care

The most popular style is the "sisal rope scratch post". A "sisal rope scratch post" consists of a base (with a variety of base colors), and a post that has been wrapped with the "sisal rope". Sisal is a very durable material that will hold up to a whole lot of scratching by more than one cat. If it does happen to need replaced, some new rope and a little glue will do the trick.

Once you have purchased your choice of a "scratch post", rub it down with a little catnip to get your cats attention, and place it where it is easily accessable. You can also attach some kind of toy to the post to attract his attention. As he gets used to it, gradually move it where it is convenient.

Ernie Carroll

Cat Training


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Getting a Cat?

Cat Care

Having a cat can be fun. Cat care can be a little bit of work, not much though. Cats are independent. Here are a few tips on cat care that will help insure your cat to be as healthy as they can be.

• The first tip is that you should get you cat or kitten to the vet as soon as you get them. The vet can check the cat over and make sure there is nothing wrong with the cat. In addition, your cat will get the shots they need.

• Make sure you have your cat spayed or neutered. Having your cat spayed or neutered will do two things. It will help your cat live longer and control the cat population.
Cat Care

• Use a spray bottle when your cat is being bad. NEVER hit your cat if they are bad. Spray the cat or kitten with water and say “bad” or “no.” Make sure you do not spray them too much also. Spraying them too much can cause a cat to be aggressive to you.

• Get a cat box and kitty litter. Changing the kitty litter once a week is good. Clean out the waste everyday if you are changing the kitty litter once a week.

• This really is not a tip but it will toss it in here as one. Give the cat or kitten love. The more love you give the cat or kitten, the more you will receive back from the cat or kitten.
Cat Care

• If the cat is going to be an indoor cat, have them de-clawed. Having the cat de-clawed saves you time spraying the cat when they claw on you furniture and other stuff in your home.
These are just some tips to get you started with you new cat or kitten. Give the cat or kitten a cute name and have fun with him/her.

Still wanting to learn more about cats? Cat giving you problems? If you want to learn more about cat care please visit Cat Care
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Cat Care


Sunday, December 9, 2007

Cat Care-Outside Cats-Winter

With cold weather setting in for the winter, it's time we prepare our cats that are relegated to being outside.

Cats, like dogs, are sometimes for one reason or another, kept outdoors. No matter what the reason, they should be prepared for the experiance. For example, a cat that is used to staying indoors shouldn't suddenly be thrust out in cold weather. You first must acclimate the cat/kitten to weather change.

If you purchase a cat/kitten in winter, you should start by putting them out in increments. Start out by letting them out for no more than 1 1/2 hours at a time 3 or 4 times a day, then increasing the time over a period of one to two weeks, depending on the outside temperature. Don't leave them out overnight until they are staying out on their own at least 12 hours during the day.

You will find that once they start spending more time outdoors, they will find more things to keep them occupied, hence, they are more willing to stay out.

Now that your cat is staying outside, you will have to keep food and water for them. In cold weather this can be a chore. I have found to save time from thawing water out constantly, keep two metal coffee cans. (plastic splits when it freezes) Keep one with water outside for your cat, one inside handy (or already filled), and replace as needed. Take one out, bring frozen one in to thaw.

Now that your cat is acclimated to the cold weather and has fresh water to drink, he also has to eat. By all means, do not give your cat dry food and then put warm water on it. This causes more problems when the water freezes. Choose a good quality dry cat food, and keep it dry. This way you do not have to worry about the food freezing. We like to use a styrofoam plate placed on the front porch out of the weather, held down by a thumbtack to keep the wind from blowing it away.

Now your cat must have a place to call home when he needs some warmth on those cold days and nights. Heres what I do! Take a cardboard box, preferably not much bigger than your cat (this keeps the heat in better), Open one end, put some straw or other bedding inside (this may have to be changed occasionally if it gets damp). You can also use old towels or other throwaways for the bedding. I like to place the opening to the box facing a wall or something similiar to keep it out of the wind.

I hope now you and your cat are ready to face the winter!

Cat Care


Saturday, December 8, 2007

Cat Care

Keep watching this blog for cat care news. All you people that are intersted in cat care can also visit Cat Training and Cat Behavior Help for more information

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Cat Care

Cat Care
Before you bring a second (or even a third) cat into your home, you should make sure you are familiar with cat behaviour, both with regards to territorial behaviour and aggression, and the basic principles of cats will accept a newcomer, especially a kitten(which may perceived as less of a threat), but others will not.

You will help this integration by gradually introducing the newcomer to your cat(s), keeping it separated in one room until it has gained confidence (especially if it is a kitten) and your existing cats have got used to it. The newcomer is probably unsure and may be frightened, and it is moving into new and unfamiliar territory which is already occupied (and may be defended) by the current feline inhabitants. Feed them separately to reduce competition for food, and make a fuss of your existing cats so that they do not feel neglected because of the new incumbent.

If you already own a dog, the introductory process is similar to tat described above – gradual and non threatening. Once again, the dog may immediately accept the cat. Sometimes a female dog will accept a kitten and relate it to it rather like the way she would to one of her own pups, even to the extend of offering it some protection. Make sure that you give the incumbent dog as much fuss and attention as usual (or even more), and praise and reward it for good behaviour

Introducing a new cat to pet birds can pose a problem. If it is a kitten purchased from a breeder, it may never have experienced the sight or stimulation that a bird presents. Although its basic hunting or playing instinct may cause it to react, it may be w\quite easy to train your cat to ignore the bird or even to accept it as a companion. If, however, it is a kitten from a domestic cat that has had the opportunity introduce the kittens to bird prey, or is an adult cat that has already learned to catch birds, then you have a more difficult task on your hands. If you find that you do have such a problem, talk to your veterinarian.

Goldfish are yet another pet that can be threatened by an incoming cat. Those kept indoors in an aquarium tank with a glass lid and artificial lighting should be safe, but any that are exposed to an inquisitive cat may stimulate an unwanted reaction. Gold fish in an outdoor pond are also susceptible to a cat’s attentions, and you may need to train your cat to leave them alone. Protective measures including barriers such as netting, and the installation of plenty of water plants, such as lilies – the fish can hide under the leaves

For more interesting cat care tips, funny cat videos, cat photos and stories, please visit my blog at Thank you
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Cat Care